Tuesday, May 22, 2012

'Artist' claims to make popsicles from Precious Blood : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

This why I dismiss anyone who proclaims themselves an "artist". One usually discovers that the self-proclaimed "artist" is anything but.an artist.

'Artist' claims to make popsicles from Precious Blood : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Monday, May 14, 2012

Canadian Bishops: Abortion Threatens Religious Freedom | LifeNews.com

The following excerpts are from LifeNews.com:

  • A new letter the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops released today says religious freedom is under attack in Canada and calls out abortion as one of the reasons that is the case.
  • “Some colleges of physicians require that members who refuse to perform abortions refer patients to another physician willing to do so; elsewhere pharmacists are being threatened by being forced to have to fill prescriptions for contraceptives or the ‘morning after’ pill,” the letter says.
  • Issued by the CCCB Permanent Council, the letter expresses concern about an “aggressive relativism” in Canada that seeks to relegate religion to the private sphere.

Click the link below to read the entire article:

Canadian Bishops: Abortion Threatens Religious Freedom | LifeNews.com

Monday, May 07, 2012

More Oppression and Attacks Against Christians By Muslims

Below are some excerpts of stories from around the world. More proof that the "peaceful religion of Islam" is about everything except peace. Click the bold, links to read the entire articles:

  • Discussing the situation of Christians in various Middle Eastern nations, Father Samir Khalil Samir describes the barrage of Muslim proselytism that Egyptian Christians regularly face.
  • “The whole day and during the whole year, you are bombarded with Islamic propaganda starting at five in the morning,” says the Jesuit historian and Islamic studies professor. “They start their preaching using megaphones and this is five times a day.”

  • Bishop John Namanzah Niyiring of Kano, Nigeria, said that Catholics who were killed during a terrorist attack on April 29 should be recognized as martyrs.

  • The ongoing protests by a Muslim extremist fringe has led to the closure of three Christian places of worship in the province of Aceh, the only province in Indonesia where Shariah (Islamic law) is enacted. According to the radical movement the churches were illegal and they have demanded - under threat - the intervention of the authorities. The local administration used the pretext of an alleged lack of building permits, to seal up the buildings. One of the three is a small - historical - Catholic chapel, open for almost 40 years and full of faithful during celebrations. Although an overwhelmingly Muslim area, the province of Aceh has always been characterized by a "spirit of tolerance" and this is the "first case" of an intervention by authorities against places of worship of the Christian minority.