Sunday, July 31, 2005

What's The Deal With Harry Potter?

A private correspondence between the then Cardinal Ratzinger and Gabriele Kuby, a Bavarian-based Roman Catholic sociologist, has brought to light the Popes opinion on the impact of the Harry Potter phenomenon upon our youth. It seems incredible that sales of this book have sky rocketed and that children with the consent of their parents are willing to sleep overnight outside book stores so as to be the first to buy the latest episode in this 'cult' fiction.

The questions we need to ask are these: 1. Are these books dangerous to young minds? 2. Do these books promote wizardry? 3. Do they open our youth to the prospects of searching the occult as if it were a 'cool' idea which may lead them to experiment with powers over and above their maturity or ability to control? 4. In short, is 'Harry Potter' an open door way to making the occult acceptable?

What may appear as harmless can have devastating affects if children are being seduced into alternative 'religions' of the 'new age', or indeed if they begin openly experimenting with the occult i.e.,: Ouija boards, seances, casting spells, voodoo dolls and other forms of the supernatural. If this is so, then it is the responsibility of the parents to protect their children from this form of seduction whether it be in books or films.

The Popes private opinions on various issues is not binding on Catholics, but it still cannot be summarily dismissed as if it were of no consequence. Pope Benedict XVI's opinion should be taken very seriously, and though he was still Cardinal Ratzinger when he made these comments, should we as faithful Catholics disregard it? Should parents investigate what the affects these books may be having on their children? Do they know what affects these books may be having on their children, particularly, the younger children?

When The Church makes a statement or even if it is a private discourse between two people who are well respected in matters of Doctrine, when Cardinal Ratzinger who was then Prefect for the Doctrine of The Faith, and Ms. Kuby find these books to be having an adverse affect on our youth, do we casually dismiss their grounded advice in preference to what the media is espousing, as if the media had somehow become 'credible' over and above Cardinal Ratzinger?

Parents need to take a much harder look at these books which seem to promote sorcery and can lead to openly accepting the occult as valid, for young minds need to be protected against what may prove to be a disastrous influence on their Faith and their beliefs. It would be very disingenuous indeed to think that Publishing companies and Hollywood have the well being of our youth as their primary focus. Therefore it is incumbent upon every parent to investigate this 'cult' of 'Harry Potter' regardless of what the mass media, publishing companies or Hollywood espouses.

As faith filled Catholics do we take note of our erstwhile leaders when they speak out or are we listening to the liberal media, as the 'frenzy' for the latest 'Harry Potter' books hits the stands?
What say you?

Copyright © 2005 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.