Tuesday, July 03, 2012

VIETNAM Vinh: Catholics targeted by thugs and authorities. Dozens of faithful injured during - Asia News

The following excerpt is from AsiaNews.it:
  • Hanoi (AsiaNews) - A group of thugs linked to the Vietnam Patriotic Front, instigated by local authorities, targeted the faithful gathered in a house of prayer in Con Cuong district - Nghe An province, Vinh Diocese- as they gathered to celebrate Mass Sunday. The attack against the Catholic community took place on the evening of July 1 and is just the latest in a series of incidents of persecution that have targeted Christian communities in the area since November of last year (see AsiaNews 29/12 / Young Vinh Catholic kidnapped by police on Christmas Eve). Anonymous sources interviewed by AsiaNews also reported that the so-called "local authority" gave up to 25 dollars "compensation" to the thugs who beat priests and lay people who only wanted to gather to celebrate the Eucharist.

Click below to read more:

VIETNAM Vinh: Catholics targeted by thugs and authorities. Dozens of faithful injured during - Asia News

Kenyan Christians killed in terror attack on church : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

The following excerpts are from Catholic Culture's Catholic World News:
  • At least 17 people were killed, and many others seriously wounded, in an armed assault on a Christian church in Garissa, Kenya, on July 1.
  • Armed men killed two guards, then threw grenades into the African Inland Church. When worshippers ran outside they were hit with a salvo of automatic gunfire.

Click the link below to read more:

Kenyan Christians killed in terror attack on church : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Gay-ministry group refuses to affirm Catholic teaching : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

The following excerpt is from Catholic World News:
  • Leaders of the Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry (CALGM) have refused to sign an oath promising to uphold Catholic teaching, casting doubt on the group’s continued existence as an approved Catholic ministry.

Click the link below to read the entire article:

Gay-ministry group refuses to affirm Catholic teaching : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Vatican City, 20 June 2012 (VIS) - At the end of today's general audience, after having delivered greetings in various languages, Benedict XVI launched an appeal for an end to attacks which have taken place recently in Nigeria, and which have been particularly aimed against the Christian community there. "I appeal to leaders for an immediate end to the killing of so many innocents", he said. "It is my hope that the various components of Nigerian society will collaborate so as not to start down the path of revenge, and that all citizens will cooperate in building a peaceful and reconciled society, in which everyone's right freely to profess their faith is fully protected".

You can find more information at: www.visnews.org
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