CHURCH of England leaders have warned that calling God "He" encourages men to beat their wives, a British newspaper has reported.
The Daily Mail said churchgoers had been told to think twice before referring to God as "He" or "Lord" because of dangers it could lead to domestic violence.
New guidelines for bishops and priests reportedly warn the clergy to reconsider the language they use in sermons and ensure the hymns they sing don't foster the oppression of women.
The guidelines, entitled Responding to Domestic Abuse, advised that Biblical violence "in combination with uncritical use of masculine imagery, can validate overbearing and ultimately violent patterns of behaviour", The Daily Mail said.
Plymouth vicar Rod Thomas, a spokesman for the evangelical Reform movement, said according to The Bible, God had female and male characteristics, but it was not inhibited about referring to God as male.
"There is a danger that this document has veered too much towards political correctness," he told the paper.
*Point of View*
The Anglican Church has gone from the truly ridiculous to the bizarre in their latest attempt to de-god God. Unfortunately to the minds that be or in this case the mindless in their attempt to make God more relevant and 'mainstream' they have instead succeeded in making themselves look totally idiotic.
Let us hope that with this latest bit of religious nonsence that more Anglicans will leave this lukewarm religion and return to their roots which lay within the embrace of the Catholic Church.
God has no need of 'spin' doctors so He can appeal to the masses or to the overtly feminist agenda, which is the KEY element in this nonsensical piece of political correctness.
Where will this silliness end? Will Jesus find himself a transgender lest another segment of society feels themselves marginalized?
The Church of England has truly become a very irreverent irreligious barmy army of political correctness!